Rabu, 03 November 2010

correct sentence (tugas bahasa inggris 2)

I. Identity the correct determiners in the following sentences

1. Television
Television in an electronics store are already sold four
2. Car
Mr. rudi car was in repair at the workshop
3. News
News on television today is very interesting
4. Geography
The boy was very smart in his school geography lesson
5. Atmosphere
The atmosphere in the cafe is very beautiful and lively visitors
6. Person
We all have to become a better person than before
7. Water
The water in the housing is less clear than yesterday
8. Pencil
Sister was like to have new blue pencil
9. Food
Food menu at the new restaurant was very good
10. Tooth
After eating chocolate I was so sore tooth
11. Soap
Form of soap that is very unique, but less good for the skin
12. Soup
Mother's homemade soup is very tasty and delicious
13. Cup
Rena accidentally broke mom's favorite cup
14. Money
Father lost money in the stolen thief
15. Hydrogen
Water hydrogen is less good brand
16. Minute
The distance between home and school just ten minutes

II. Choose the corret determiners in the followinh sentences

1. He doesn’t have much money
2. I would like a little salt on my vegetable
3. She bought that cards last night
4. There are less students in this room than in the next room
5. There is too much bad news on television tonight
6. I do not want this water
7. This is too much information to learn
8. A few people left early
9. Would you like fewer coffee than this
10. This jacket costs too much

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