Kamis, 30 September 2010

Bentuk-bentuk Surat antara lain (Letter forms are) :

1.Bentuk Surat Resmi (Official Style) :
Official form is a form letter from the parts of a formal letter. Functional and purpose of this letter together with parts of the official letter. But do not forget to make a formal letter always pay attention to the center line for an official letter that looks neat and received by the agency or institution as a formal letter of this nature does not play games.

2.Bentuk Lurus Penuh (Full Block Style) :
Straight shape Fully (Full Block Style) is a form letter in which the neck Letters, Letter Body, and Legs Letters do not form a paragraph but to form a full block from left to right. However, the composition or structure of the letter remain valid in the letter. In typing this letter usually starts from the left edge of the wedge line.

3.Bentuk Lurus (Block Style atau Modified Block Style) :
Straight shape (Block Modified Block Style or Style) is a form letter that has the right position at the date and closing greetings. The form of this letter is similar to the Straight shape Fully but the difference is just the date and closing greetings are in the right position, whether in writing, typing or structural.

4.Bentuk Setengah Lurus (Semi Block Style) :
Shape Half Straight (Semi-Block Style) is a form letter where all the letters, except the contents of the letter, diketika same as a straight shape. Each end of new paragraph 5 is typed after a knock from the left edge of the wedge line. Usually this form of love is in the wedding invitation.

5.Bentuk sederhana (Simplified Style) :
Forms Simplified (Simplified Style) is a form letter that is almost similar to the shape Straight Full but only without any greeting and closing greetings. Usually this letter in addressed to the people who were working in the company. Sometimes a simple form of letter writing is very simple without the need to look at tidiness and order.

6.Bentuk Lekuk (Indented Style) :
Form Dent (indented Style) is a form letter where a letter addressed to a paragraph in formation down the ladder-shaped line. Dent shape usually have a paragraph of paragraph a curved so it does not look neat but it looks structured, especially on the letter that directed the formation of such alineanya down stairs.

7.Bentuk Alenia Menggantung (Hanging Paragraph) :
Hanging paragraph form (Hanging Paragraph) is a form letter where the letter has a paragraph that body hanging. The purpose of the hanging paragraph after paragraph is new, the next line entry five spaces. So after the first paragraph, the next paragraph should be spaced about 5 spaces. Usually the form of this letter is in a particular service.

8.Bentuk Lurus Dengan Perihal atau "Pokok Surat" (Subject Notice) :
Shape Straight By Subject or "Basic Letter" (Subject Notice) is a form letter in which the Principal Letter located in the middle after the Opening Greeting. The form letter like this is made for people who read it focused on the principal letter to letter. So put in the middle after Hail Opening.

Selasa, 28 September 2010

Penjelasan secara ringkas bagian-bagian surat (A brief explanation letter parts)

A description of the parts of the letter:

1. Letter head
Head showed his official letter of a letter. Head of the letter can serve as the address (identity) Sending a letter because the letter contains the head of agency or organization name, and address, even some that include telephone.

2. Date Letter
Typed letter dated upper right, especially in the form of a letter straight or half straight. The name of the place does not need to be included again because it was contained in a letter head. Place names should be written in letters that are not headed letter, eg a personal letter or a letter of job application

3. Official Letter
Formal letter always be numbered letter sent (outgoing mail), code letters, and year. No letter is useful for:
• easy set up storage
• makes it easy to look back,
• know the many letters that came out,
• mempercepatpenyelesaian correspondence,
• facilitate the archival staff.

4. Attachment
Attaching means include something with the other. If the joint letter submitted it included other letters, written down on how many pieces of mail attachments or information that would be attached to it.

5. Page / About
This section shows the contents of a brief letter or core. By reading case / matter, can quickly issue a written note in the letter.

6. Mail Address
There are two kinds of mailing address, namely address in (the pieces of mail) and external addresses (on envelope). Mailing address is a direct clue to the recipients. Writing more freely address placed on the left so that the possibility of beheading name of the person / agency / organization, and the like do not occur.

7. Greetings
A sign of respectful greeting message sender. In an official letter of greeting usually used respectfully.

8. Content (Body) Letter
The letter generally consists of three parts, namely the opening, the real content, and cover.

9. Closing Greetings
In an official letter, greeting cover job title, signature, name of student or employee ID number.

An explanation of the correspondence

Understanding Letters

The letter is a communication tool that uses written language on a piece of paper that is closely connected with human life. In order for communications to function effectively, then there are things that should be noted by the author.

Letter Forms

there is some form of letters to keep in mind in preparation to write the letter include:
- Form of official letters
- Form letters groove
- Form letter blocks
- Half a block form letter
- Form letter mix
- Block style
- Full block style

A good letter has the following characteristics:

1) Does not contain a double meaning
2) Between the receiver and sender have the same purpose
3) Simplified
4) Just use the word in its usage
5) His writing is compact and sequentially

The language used in the letter, you should:

1.Mengutamakan same degree
2. Firm
3.Mudah understood by readers
4.Menggunakan polite language
5. Clearly between writing and meaning

The types of letters based on their interests :
 Mail Service.
There are the official agencies both government and private agencies, usually the official and using the Indonesian language standard.
 Letter of Commerce or Business Mail.
The letter, which is used in business or commerce, usually but not always the official Indonesian language materials (flexible)
 Personal Letter.
The letter, which is used for personal or family purposes, the unofficial nature of both the structure of letters, language and way of letter delivery. But some private letters were formalized, for example, Work Cover Letter.

Based on the contents Security.

 Regular Mail.
The letter, which when read by the other party will not be detrimental to the recipient or sender, for example: Letter of Invitation and Circular.
 Confidential Letter.
A letter whose contents may only be known by the addressee, may not be known by the lain.Dan biasannya marked by the word "SECRET" or abbreviated as "RHS".
 Top Secret Letter
This letter is usually related to security dengn State, usually characterized by words. "Very Confidential" or abbreviated "SRHS".

Function letters:

Another advantage of the letter is due to its function as follows:
1. personal representative, group, or a organusasi to deal with the personal, group or organization lai.
2. basis or guidelines for the work, such as letter and letter of assignment decisions.
3. authentic book written in black and white that has the force of law or judicial, for example a letter from sale of waqf, or the division of inheritance.
4. reminder tool or archive any time if necessary and
5. historical document that has historical value, for example, to trace important events of the past